not communicating with 1 shopping card

Discussion in 'Payments processing' started by runels, May 10, 2012.

  1. runels

    runels New Member

    Apr 17, 2012
    had things set up and seemed to be working.
    now when someone signs up, 1shopping cart does not record the transaction. the amember check in place on the 1shopping cart. names the same...called the 1shopping cart side--very very smart A** atitude --asked me to send the bug/log by answer yet.

    my invention goes live tomorrow on the doctors show nation wide in the U.S.A. and I have a broken shopping cart

    please help!


    think I may have figured it out--but need confirmation with this one--
    when using 1shopping cart alone--you can offer a product for $0 (free) and the cart still records and sends autoresponders--but looks like with amember--the software skips 1shoppingcart completely--hence the autoresponder function requires a product that costs money--am I right on this one?

    I can live with about any rules just need to know what the rules are.

    thank you in advance for the help (was offering free membership with an upsell by autoresponder--looks like it will be a $1 product with an upsell
  2. runels

    runels New Member

    Apr 17, 2012

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