WP Integration

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by jbildy, Nov 12, 2011.

  1. jbildy

    jbildy Member

    Aug 22, 2006
    When setting WP integration, should WP usergroup be set to Subscriber or Amember Active?

    What's the difference between them?
  2. gswaim

    gswaim CGI-Central Partner

    Jul 2, 2003

    You should choose one of the five WordPress default user groups (Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor, or Subscriber) Subscriber is usually the best choice. Based on the WordPress settings, a Subscriber can post comments and thats about it. To see the capabilities of the other WordPress roles see this page in the WordPress Codex.

    There are a few WordPress plugins that control access based on a user's WordPress role. But that another subject all together....

    I think aMember Active is used by the aMember system and should not be assigned to a product or set as the default role.
  3. jbildy

    jbildy Member

    Aug 22, 2006
    Yeah... I have them set as 'Subscriber'. But I note in WP, the users are assigned a role of 'none'. That's after doing the db rebuilds in aMember.

    I note a couple of members have actually logged in. But their role status is still 'none' instead of 'subscriber'.

    Not sure why that is.

    Protection works ok.

    I also have a sidebar widget that uses 'Widget Logic' plugin. It's set to show up in the sidebar only when members are logged in - is_user_logged_in(). But it doesn't work. Doesn't show up when user is logged in.

    I also can't see anymore who is at the site, guests and users. Via WP-UserOnline plugin inside WP.

    Also, when a new user signs up via aMember, do they get added to WP database? I have cp > configuration > wp set to 'use wp database'.
  4. jbildy

    jbildy Member

    Aug 22, 2006
    I just did a test. Signed up a new user and it got added to wp database as a 'subscriber'.

    I'm thinking I may perhaps need to delete existing users from WP database and let aMember create them as 'subscribers' when they login.
  5. jbildy

    jbildy Member

    Aug 22, 2006
    Nope. That doesn't work.

    I need to assign imported members to a product. But can't find a fast way to do that in aMember.

    It seems I have to select users individually and add them manually via 'payments'. That's a pain.
  6. gswaim

    gswaim CGI-Central Partner

    Jul 2, 2003

    Did you assign a WP Role to your product? Maybe this is what is going on?
    I just wrote this about an hour ago: http://v4.amember.com/docs/Assign_a_WordPress_User_Level_to_a_Product

    I hope to have the WordPress documentation finished this weekend.
  7. jbildy

    jbildy Member

    Aug 22, 2006
    Hi Grant. Yes, I did the wp product integration and assigned 'Subscriber' role to the products.
  8. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    1. Role issue can be because users don't have active subscription. And you don't have amember CP -> Setup -> Wordpress -> Default group set. aMember will remove user from all groups then.
    2. Widget Logic plugin issue can be because3 of number 1 as well.
    if user do not have active subscription if aMember, he will not be logged into wordpress so.
  9. jbildy

    jbildy Member

    Aug 22, 2006
    1: I have some users who have active subscription and who show up as a subscriber in WP. I also have CP - Setup -Wordpress default user level set to 'subscriber'.

    So yes, those who show up as 'none' don't have an active subscription. You will be including mass subscribe later this week, so that will take care of that.

    2: when an 'active' user logs in, they get access to protected content for their subscription. But the sidebar widget (using Widget Logic plugin) still does not show. Even though they are a 'subscriber' with an active subscription.

    3: also, when I am logged in the WP admin, logged in members do not show up in the WP-UserOnline dashboard as members. I see them as guests.

    4: As admin, can I login via aMember? Or, should I login via WP-admin? (I have been imported into aMember.) I want to subscribe myself to products So I can see everything on blog front.
  10. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    1. Ok.
    2. I'll check this now and will reply by mail.
    3. may be related to 2. Will update by email.
    4. this is not recommended.
    Better to create any account with user's permissions in aMember and use it to login.
  11. jbildy

    jbildy Member

    Aug 22, 2006
    4: Does this mean I (admin) should login with WP-Admin?
  12. gswaim

    gswaim CGI-Central Partner

    Jul 2, 2003
    Yes, I know it seems a little strange but it works best if the Admin logs into aMember and WordPress (WP) separately and does not try to sync the two accounts. By default aMember will not make changes to a user in WP with the "Administrator" role.

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